The word 'massage' means 'friction or kneading' and originates from French massage. In Arabic terms it means 'massa', meaning 'to touch'. The method of massage has been used by different parts of the body, which are the fingers, elbows, hands, feet, forearms and the knees. There are many types of recognised massage techniques which all involves manipulating different regions of the body, which in turn involves relieving aches, pains, tensions, to Muscles, tendons, skin, joints and ligaments. Massage was introduced as a successful method of therapy because it has been clinically proven effective and there was also a high demand from clients. Massage practitioners use many different oils all of which containing their own aroma and ingredient. Some oils are mixed to create different aromas. Apricot kernel oil, rich in vitamin E and easily absorbs into the skin, this oil is also good used in Aromatherapy massage.
- 'Aromatherapy massage'. This method of massage works well because it involves aroma. The aroma sends messages to the brain, which in turn sends messages to the limbi’s system, this will lower the stress levels, relaxes the breathing and memory, slow down the heart rate, relaxes the digestive system and strengthens immunity.
- 'Swedish Massage therapy'. This is considered the most common form of massage, though is very effective. It is practised using kneading, circular movements and strokes, using a variety of massage oils.
- 'Reflexology' or sometimes known as 'Foot massage'. This method is very effective and is not just a simple foot massage; it involves the masseur applying pressure to different parts of the foot, which in turn affects different organs inside the body. For example. starting from head to lower back, The toes affect the head. The balls of the feet affect the heart and chest. The arches of the feet affect the Kidney, liver and pancreas. The heels affect the intestines and lower back. And is considered very relaxing.
- 'Pregnancy massage'. Pregnancy massage is becoming widely popular, it is also known as paternal massage. You have to be careful who you go to when you are pregnant, always make sure the massage practitioner has a certificate and experience in this paternal massage as they will know how to position you and know use the proper techniques. There are certain massage techniques that cannot be applied to a Pregnant woman. This method decreases swelling, reduces stress, relieves aches and pains also reduces depression and anxiety.
- 'Thai massage'. Originating from India, making it's way to Thailand later to become influenced by Chinese medicine. This method has more of an energising than other massage techniques; it involves the therapist hand, feet, knees and legs to manipulate your body into stretches that resemble Yoga moves. There isn't usually any oil used as the client is fully clothed and any session can last from 1 to2 hours. This method is great for improving joint movement, relaxing, improving the circulation, increasing flexibility, reducing stress and finely tuning the body and mind together.
- 'Hot stone massage'. This technique is used to balance the energy centres in the body and is done by using heated basalt stones, able to retain heat and rich in iron, each stone is soaked in water then heated until they have reached the right temperature. Placed on key parts of the body. This is good for tight muscles the heat penetrate deep into the source of the pain the effects from the stones are soothing. This method is used for improving circulation,relieving back pain, soothing Arthritis pains, helps to improve sleep patterns, relieves anxiety, stress and tension. And helps ease depression.
- 'Deep tissue massage' This is where a practitioner massages on muscles and other connective tissues. Because this technique is concentrating on muscular
tissues clients have been known to feel a little stiffness after the therapy, this is normal and will pass. Deep tissue massage works by the practitioner applying direct deep pressure to areas that have been blocked of circulation which have been a result of pain and limited movement. The pressure is applied to the area across the grain of the muscles, relieving the blocked area. This method is good for parts of the body where there is Muscle tension, Problems with the posture, Repetitive strain injury, and limited mobility and for helping to heal old injuries.
- 'Reiki massage' This is not a massage in the sense as you know it. This involves the practitioner placing their hands in various positions covering the body. The idea is to be seated or lying on your back comfortably in a warm, soothing room. Using their hands,the practitioner will direct energy towards you in order to stimulate the natural energy field in your self to heal itself. Reiki goes directly to the cause of the problem rather than treat the symptoms; this method has been successful in treating physical and mental issues, relaxing, and stress relief.
- 'Indian head massage'. This method stimulates the blood flow in the scalp, which not only has a positive affect on the body but also promotes strong, healthy, reducing breakage and brittle hair. During the process, the client feels emotionally positive this is a result of the blood flowing freely; this effect is carried throughout the rest of the body. Indian head massage is good for relieving tension, stress, increased joint mobility, fatigue, flexible neck, insomnia, headaches, improves blood circulation, migraine and sinusitis and very relaxing.
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