What causes stress ?
Stress starts from the way our bodies react to information sent to our brain via our senses. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year the brain receives information, which effects how we respond. What we hear, see, smell, taste and touch, all play an important part to our reactions to our growing and changing environment. Causes range from jobs, school, marriage, moving home, a death, driving, being bullied, money problems, watching violence, playing video games, even watching certain TV programmes can affect the way your body reacts.
We all suffer from the effects of stress physically and mentally
The effects of stress
All too often we are too busy getting on with our lives to even notice how stressed or wound up we have become, it's a sad fact that stress levels are left unchecked, which, in the end could lead to serious illness's or even an untimely death. We all suffer, from the young to the elderly and can be brought on by a variety of reasons. We can suffer with physical and mental illness's through stress. Not only can it affect our mood swings, stress can also lead to Hypertension and other breathing difficulty related illness's, many heart problems which covers everything from high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, artery blockage, heart attacks and strokes. Other areas affected are our digestive systems, Ulcers, bowel problems, many types of cancer, Muscular stiffness and arthritis, Headaches and migraine, lower our immune system which can leave us open to a wide variety of unwanted illness's.
If you wish to read more on this please visit our cause and effects of stress page.
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