Wednesday, 3 February 2010
There are many types of meditation though it is not sure as to how many. Each offering a means to entering complete awareness, peace and understanding of your self, mentally, emotionally and physically. A way of turning our negatives into positives, our un-ease to ease and unhappiness to happiness. Reaching a meditative state is a disciplined achievement in which the practitioner can reach beyond the thinking mind, falling into a deep relaxing state of awareness. Different levels of meditation require different levels of consciousness to achieve different goals, the more self disciplined the individual, the deeper or the higher the state of consciousness. It is said that the higher the level reached, the more spiritually attuned one becomes. As mentioned earlier, there are different types of meditation practised to suit the need of the individual it all depends on what you wish to focus on the most or what your final goal is. It is always best to research on each type. Meditation is being recommended by some G.P's as an alternative to medicine because of its effectiveness in relieving stress and aiding relaxation. There are various ways in which to reach a meditative state, again it depends on what feels right for you. One way is to concentrate on an object, this is known as "Concentrative" meditation. Another method to use is to mindfully be aware, there is no need to select an image or background, anything that appears or what ever sounds you hear are all allowed, just listen, take it all in and analyse the effects, this is known as "mindfulness" meditation.
* Concentrative meditation to begin with make sure you are sitting comfortably preferably in an upright position, if you become too comfortable this encourages sleep which means you would not be meditating. Try to plan a time of the day when you are less likely to be disturbed by anyone, choosing a quiet room. Try to focus on an object, this can be a physical object of your choice as long as it catches your attention or something you can concentrate on freely, or you may just want to use your breathing techniques as a means of a focal point. The object of this technique is to keep your mind on the object, don’t worry if your mind wonders, just be aware and bring your attention back, try to look at the object in a positive light, this will make focusing easier. By concentration on that object you enter a meditative calmness, be aware of what is taking place. Concentrate on your breathing, because regulating your breathing is important as it speeds the meditative state of mind and body. As you practice with concentrative meditation more and more, the more beneficial for you, your concentration improves not just in meditation but in other areas of our lives also.
* Mindfulness meditation also known as "insight" and is quite different from Concentrative meditation. It is not necessary to concentrate on just one thing for a start, rather, anything and everything can wander freely through your mind, you can allow images and events from the day run freely in and out of your thoughts, even distracting noises are beneficial. Every sound you hear can be listened to intently and be analysed, try to recognise the noises and identify its source. Meditating in this way allows you to be fully aware of your surroundings. Mindfulness meditation is about embracing and appreciating everything in existence.
If you enjoyed this article and want to read more on this and other relaxation therapy techniques then please visit our relaxation therapy site
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Massage therapy for all
The word 'massage' means 'friction or kneading' and originates from French massage. In Arabic terms it means 'massa', meaning 'to touch'. The method of massage has been used by different parts of the body, which are the fingers, elbows, hands, feet, forearms and the knees. There are many types of recognised massage techniques which all involves manipulating different regions of the body, which in turn involves relieving aches, pains, tensions, to Muscles, tendons, skin, joints and ligaments. Massage was introduced as a successful method of therapy because it has been clinically proven effective and there was also a high demand from clients. Massage practitioners use many different oils all of which containing their own aroma and ingredient. Some oils are mixed to create different aromas. Apricot kernel oil, rich in vitamin E and easily absorbs into the skin, this oil is also good used in Aromatherapy massage.
- 'Aromatherapy massage'. This method of massage works well because it involves aroma. The aroma sends messages to the brain, which in turn sends messages to the limbi’s system, this will lower the stress levels, relaxes the breathing and memory, slow down the heart rate, relaxes the digestive system and strengthens immunity.
- 'Swedish Massage therapy'. This is considered the most common form of massage, though is very effective. It is practised using kneading, circular movements and strokes, using a variety of massage oils.
- 'Reflexology' or sometimes known as 'Foot massage'. This method is very effective and is not just a simple foot massage; it involves the masseur applying pressure to different parts of the foot, which in turn affects different organs inside the body. For example. starting from head to lower back, The toes affect the head. The balls of the feet affect the heart and chest. The arches of the feet affect the Kidney, liver and pancreas. The heels affect the intestines and lower back. And is considered very relaxing.
- 'Pregnancy massage'. Pregnancy massage is becoming widely popular, it is also known as paternal massage. You have to be careful who you go to when you are pregnant, always make sure the massage practitioner has a certificate and experience in this paternal massage as they will know how to position you and know use the proper techniques. There are certain massage techniques that cannot be applied to a Pregnant woman. This method decreases swelling, reduces stress, relieves aches and pains also reduces depression and anxiety.
- 'Thai massage'. Originating from India, making it's way to Thailand later to become influenced by Chinese medicine. This method has more of an energising than other massage techniques; it involves the therapist hand, feet, knees and legs to manipulate your body into stretches that resemble Yoga moves. There isn't usually any oil used as the client is fully clothed and any session can last from 1 to2 hours. This method is great for improving joint movement, relaxing, improving the circulation, increasing flexibility, reducing stress and finely tuning the body and mind together.
- 'Hot stone massage'. This technique is used to balance the energy centres in the body and is done by using heated basalt stones, able to retain heat and rich in iron, each stone is soaked in water then heated until they have reached the right temperature. Placed on key parts of the body. This is good for tight muscles the heat penetrate deep into the source of the pain the effects from the stones are soothing. This method is used for improving circulation,relieving back pain, soothing Arthritis pains, helps to improve sleep patterns, relieves anxiety, stress and tension. And helps ease depression.
- 'Deep tissue massage' This is where a practitioner massages on muscles and other connective tissues. Because this technique is concentrating on muscular
tissues clients have been known to feel a little stiffness after the therapy, this is normal and will pass. Deep tissue massage works by the practitioner applying direct deep pressure to areas that have been blocked of circulation which have been a result of pain and limited movement. The pressure is applied to the area across the grain of the muscles, relieving the blocked area. This method is good for parts of the body where there is Muscle tension, Problems with the posture, Repetitive strain injury, and limited mobility and for helping to heal old injuries.
- 'Reiki massage' This is not a massage in the sense as you know it. This involves the practitioner placing their hands in various positions covering the body. The idea is to be seated or lying on your back comfortably in a warm, soothing room. Using their hands,the practitioner will direct energy towards you in order to stimulate the natural energy field in your self to heal itself. Reiki goes directly to the cause of the problem rather than treat the symptoms; this method has been successful in treating physical and mental issues, relaxing, and stress relief.
- 'Indian head massage'. This method stimulates the blood flow in the scalp, which not only has a positive affect on the body but also promotes strong, healthy, reducing breakage and brittle hair. During the process, the client feels emotionally positive this is a result of the blood flowing freely; this effect is carried throughout the rest of the body. Indian head massage is good for relieving tension, stress, increased joint mobility, fatigue, flexible neck, insomnia, headaches, improves blood circulation, migraine and sinusitis and very relaxing.
Friday, 29 January 2010
Positive thinking
You have the power to change your whole life simply by changing your old negative thoughts into positive thinking.
You have the power to improve your life Physically, Mentally, Spiritually and Emotionally, Use those powers at your will.
When you were a baby, you didn’t know how to control your emotions or thoughts, you didn't care, if you wanted feeding, you would tell your mum simply by crying. If you were happy, you would chuckle loudly and from the pit of your belly. What happened from when you were a baby to adulthood? simply put, your emotions and thoughts were quashed, you were told not to cry, only babies cried, not to laugh too loud, you may be making too much noise or annoying. you were brought up listening to your parents beliefs, their fears, their worries and before you know where you are, your own dreams, thoughts, fears and beliefs have become your parents and that of other influences around you. Always being told, you were not beautiful enough, not clever enough or not good enough, in the end you hear the same words repetitively that it becomes true to you. but it's not their fault, they too were brought up in exactly the same way as were their parents and their parents before them. You can break the link in this repetitive chain, you can take control of your own thoughts.
positive affirmations.
Positive affirmations are positive words or beliefs you can adopt as your own in order to create a positive outlook on life. What we think affects every cell in our bodies. Living in the now, leaving all past hurts and pains behind help you to look forward to happiness and success. The secret is letting go, just let go, this sounds easy to achieve, but it is possible for you to gain an inner peace with practise and persistence. It is fair to say that holding on to old hurts actually causes many illness's and diseases and when you think on it, how can old feelings help you in the now, they can't. You tried thinking about the pain and the negative thoughts and feelings that accompany them but it just doesn't work for you. When you wake in the morning, What are your first thoughts? Try to be aware of your first thought, if you think negative, don't worry or say that is wrong, instead consciously recognise and change it for a happy image. tell your self you are going to have a wonderful, prosperose day filled with success. Reprogram your thinking. If you believe it wont work then the universe will support your thoughts. Try it, what have you to lose? Positive thinking is the way forward.
If you think ugly, you will become ugly.
if you wish to read more on this subject, please visit our positive thinking website
Thank you
relaxation with water
Relaxing with water.Even before birth we are about 95% water we are submerged in water in our mothers womb which protects us from harm and keeps us nourished, when we are born we are 70% water and if by coincidence, 70% of our plant is covered in water. It will come as no surprise to you that water is like a magnet to us, drawing us to its hypnotic therapeutic properties. when we see a lake, we want to swim in it, dip our toes in, throw a fishing line in, float a boat on it, dive in it, or just sit and become mesmerized by its enchantment. We hear water trickling from a stream, Many of us are drawn to its peaceful sound. The majority of us go on holiday and its by the sea side, or at a lodge by a lake, anything that involves water, many of us are there simply because it is natures way of soothing us. There are so many different techniques in which we can use water for relaxing, the most popular one would be to bath in hot bubbly water surrounded in a fusion of candle light whilst listening to some relaxing music, scented with just a few drops of essential oils, leaving a meditative state an easier option in which to enter.Taking a dip at the local swimming baths is another option, which is popular for people of all ages. Doesn't matter if you are swimming vigorously sticking to a targeted amount of lengths of the pool or taking life slower and pacing your self or just playing around, the benefits are the same, great for muscle toning, relieving stress and for overall enjoyment. One form of water relaxation therapy, which has to be one of the best ways of attaining deep relaxation, is the floatation tanks/centers/floatrooms. The water is salty which has healing properties, helping with arthritis and improving the condition of the skin. There is only 10 inches of water, because of the density, effortless floating is inevitable. Using a sensory deprivation treatment, this is a form of water therapy which enhances mind, body and spirit well being. Relaxing in your favourite armchair, the house is peaceful except for the gentle trickle coming from the fish tank. The fish are flitting in and out of the bubbles and the light shines brightly illuminating the colours. It is difficult not to become hypnotised by the water in the tank. This is another type of relaxation therapy which is visualization, having a beautiful vision is just as relaxing as getting involved with the physical side, it is a successful method in relieving stress.
Water therapy.
Water therapy is a method used to cleanse the body of unwanted toxins and waste, which causes many diseases. It is a daily routine Which proves to be efficient in greatly improving your health. There are many benefits following this technique everyday, they range from Weight loss, Relief from stress, Healthy glowing skin complexion, brighter sparkling eyes. Good for curing headaches, Arthritis, The heart, and would you believe, water retention. It flushes the kidneys, helps relieve, even cure water infections. In fact there isn’t a lot that water can’t cure, when you go to visit your GP, how many times have you heard him/her tell you to drink plenty of water? For many of us, we say yes and do nothing about it. The GP's Know of its benefits and healing powers, we just need to listen.
Water therapy method.
- On first waking before brushing your teeth, Drink 160ml, 1.5 litres of water, that’s roughly 4 to 6 glasses.
- Brush your teeth but try to refrain from drinking or eating anything for at least 45 minutes.
- If you are unable to drink the full quota in one go, give your self a break for 2/3 minutes then drink the rest.
- Filter,cool boiled water is acceptable if desired.
- The need to urinate within 2/3 hours is normal and shows signs of its benefits as it is flushing out your body.
- If you are constipated and follow this method, you will notice a difference in just one day
cause and effects of stress
What causes stress ?
Stress starts from the way our bodies react to information sent to our brain via our senses. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year the brain receives information, which effects how we respond. What we hear, see, smell, taste and touch, all play an important part to our reactions to our growing and changing environment. Causes range from jobs, school, marriage, moving home, a death, driving, being bullied, money problems, watching violence, playing video games, even watching certain TV programmes can affect the way your body reacts.
We all suffer from the effects of stress physically and mentally
The effects of stress
If you wish to read more on this please visit our cause and effects of stress page.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Water relaxation
Relaxing with water.Even before birth we are about 95% water we are submerged in water in our mothers womb which protects us from harm and keeps us nourished, when we are born we are 70% water and if by coincidence, 70% of our plant is covered in water. It will come as no surprise to you that water is like a magnet to us, drawing us to its hypnotic therapeutic properties. when we see a lake, we want to swim in it, dip our toes in, throw a fishing line in, float a boat on it, dive in it, or just sit and become mesmerized by its enchantment. We hear water trickling from a stream, Many of us are drawn to its peaceful sound. The majority of us go on holiday and its by the sea side, or at a lodge by a lake, anything that involves water, many of us are there simply because it is natures way of soothing us. There are so many different techniques in which we can use water for relaxing, the most popular one would be to bath in hot bubbly water surrounded in a fusion of candle light whilst listening to some relaxing music, scented with just a few drops of essential oils, leaving a meditative state an easier option in which to enter.Taking a dip at the local swimming baths is another option, which is popular for people of all ages. Doesn't matter if you are swimming vigorously sticking to a targeted amount of lengths of the pool or taking life slower and pacing your self or just playing around, the benefits are the same, great for muscle toning, relieving stress and for overall enjoyment. One form of water relaxation therapy, which has to be one of the best ways of attaining deep relaxation, is the floatation tanks/centers/floatrooms. The water is salty which has healing properties, helping with arthritis and improving the condition of the skin. There is only 10 inches of water, because of the density, effortless floating is inevitable. Using a sensory deprivation treatment, this is a form of water therapy which enhances mind, body and spirit well being. Relaxing in your favourite armchair, the house is peaceful except for the gentle trickle coming from the fish tank. The fish are flitting in and out of the bubbles and the light shines brightly illuminating the colours. It is difficult not to become hypnotised by the water in the tank. This is another type of relaxation therapy which is visualization, having a beautiful vision is just as relaxing as getting involved with the physical side, it is a successful method in relieving stress.
Water therapy.
Water therapy is a method used to cleanse the body of unwanted toxins and waste, which causes many diseases. It is a daily routine Which proves to be efficient in greatly improving your health. There are many benefits following this technique everyday, they range from Weight loss, Relief from stress, Healthy glowing skin complexion, brighter sparkling eyes. Good for curing headaches, Arthritis, The heart, and would you believe, water retention. It flushes the kidneys, helps relieve, even cure water infections. In fact there isn’t a lot that water can’t cure, when you go to visit your GP, how many times have you heard him/her tell you to drink plenty of water? For many of us, we say yes and do nothing about it. The GP's Know of its benefits and healing powers, we just need to listen.
Water therapy method.
- On first waking before brushing your teeth, Drink 160ml, 1.5 litres of water, that’s roughly 4 to 6 glasses.
- Brush your teeth but try to refrain from drinking or eating anything for at least 45 minutes.
- If you are unable to drink the full quota in one go, give your self a break for 2/3 minutes then drink the rest.
- Filter,cool boiled water is acceptable if desired.
- The need to urinate within 2/3 hours is normal and shows signs of its benefits as it is flushing out your body.
- If you are constipated and follow this method, you will notice a difference in just one day
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Relaxation therapy
Because of the rising popularity in today’s society to become faster and better than the next person, it is becoming increasingly difficult to unwind, as we investigate further we will discover just how important relaxing is to us and what could happen if we don't listen to what our bodies are telling us. Just as we listen to the needs of others, we should also make time for our own needs, you are important. The more we learn or practice relaxing, which there are many fun and interesting techniques to follow, the longer you live. some of the methods you can use to help reduce stress in your life can range from, yoga classes, either at home with or without others, or in a class environment if this helps. tai chi, which is a great way to release tensions, listening to CD's learning how to self-hypnosis, listening to relaxation instructors, breathing exercises, candle lit bathing, floatation tanks, visit a trained hypnotherapies, and massages, listening to running water, visualisation the list is goes on, the choice is yours whichever works for you, follow it. We will cover many aspects to help you to overcome stress, to get to know what your body is saying, the warning signs are evident, but we just don't have the time
If you would like to read more, please visit our relaxation thearapy page.